In ‘HOW TO’ series in the earlier blog titled “How to increase sales through rewards” we talked about ways and means of increasing your sales month after month. The current blog covers how during mid-nineties we motivated stationery shops to promote and sell IT consumables through right rewards and recognitions. India started opening its economy during early nineties and the rapid computerization resulted in demand for office consumables like floppies, dot matrix ribbons to start with and subsequently various storage medias, inks and toner cartridges.
New challenge was how to increase sales for recurring office supplies through existing IT vendors who were reluctant to get involved due to non-compatibility to their existing business model due to extra pain of stocking, delivery and collections for very low-ticket items. Ideal solution was traditional stationers, but they needed lot of hand holding to enter an alien territory, so a novel scheme was run for onboarding them as regular office consumables sellers. Salespersons were given rewards for onboarding every new outlet resulting in even few xerox shops onboarding under the phenomenally successful reward and recognition programme.
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