In ‘HOW TO’ series in the earlier blog titled “How to design rewards programmes” we explained what to keep in mind while designing various rewards programmes. In the current blog let us ensure that the extraordinarily successful programme is not derailed due to the wrong perception by various other departments. For example, in IPL cricket series the players earning large money should not be under scrutiny for the higher rewards they are earning but must be acknowledged for achieving the stretch goals which they are overshooting within the predefined budget and making IPL so popular. Let the aggrieved departments put forth worth while suggestions to earn similar or better rewards for the upward swirl of one and all.

The high rewards were designed with the clear intention that on the near to impossible achievement company will be willing to acknowledge and continue to reward the grand performance as announced. Please remember to involve all important stake holders and decision makers from the beginning so as not to allow to dilute or derail grand success of the programme and keep encouraging the performers earning large rewards. Always remember not to refuse a wing to the person who gave you the whole chicken.
Create a reward system through which your employees get what they want, you get what you want, and the right things get done. Producing good results helps people feel better about themselves and is the key to happiness and doing things we do well. So, get the right results, give the right rewards and the attitudes will take care of itself.
Sparket Corporate Gifts help build strong connections with your employees so let us excite and engage them with more choice and wide variety of Corporate Gifts. Further we help you provide choice from few selected gifts to your employees delivered to their place all over India as currently they are working from home.
Please do contact us to discuss and design your own rewards and recognitions programme tailor made for your various esteemed recipients to your full satisfaction.
The next article in ‘HOW TO’ series is “How to keep the team engaged” in which we will discuss how to nurture the talent and keep them excited and engaged. “[ninja_forms id=1]”