If your goal is to increase sales through product trials, then better to select a gift which is more suited to tempt audience to buy your product (because of attractive gift) even when they don’t need it so that they end up trying out your product. For example, an attractive compact purse mirror for women along with ‘Kajal’ as free to influence her to pick up your brand hoping that after usage she switches to become user of your brand or even addition of a totally new user. For example, an attractive compact purse mirror for women along with ‘Kajal’ as free to influence her to pick up your brand hoping that after usage she switches to become user of your brand or even addition of a totally new user.

Similarly, for your objective of enhancing relationships consider touching the emotions of the recipient by selecting a product where a lot of thought on product utility has gone to keep reminding the recipient about your brand. For example, a personalized leather box for associates or influencers like architects where the person can empty his pockets in the evening after returning home. The personalized leather case with separate pockets for wallet, pens, keys, watch, coins to remind them about you every night and morning.
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