We were trying to understand the normal reaction of a person when they receive an unexpected gift and for majority of us it was of a pleasant surprise! That discovery full of insight helped us in creating our new logo with tagline of SPARKET Corporate Gifts for pleasant surprises!
Over the years, internally it has become an acid test for us on all parameters of our interactions with employees, customers, vendors, and partners. We need to ask a simple question when interacting internally or with outside world if our action has created pleasant or unpleasant experience for them as objective remains to somehow turn it to pleasant for all involved. We can go on harping about our USP as variety of products, reliability of strictly delivering only what you have approved and consistency of your experience with us but the true acid test is, have we made you and your team pleasantly surprised after each and every interaction? We have tried to continue the journey with the intention to live up to the guiding principle of ‘for pleasant surprises’!

For example, a sanitiser company (few years before COVID) was looking for cost effective metal frames for their rectangular bottle to fix on the walls. We designed the prototype, got it approved and delivered to them to their total satisfaction. Similarly, we work with many advertising and event management companies so that they can service their customers better with the wide solutions available with us.
We support conduct reverse auctions and explore global procurement of merchandise from India so do remember to contact even for a single memento door delivered to start our relationship.
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