Our presence on the first page of organic search as corporate gifts supplier invariably results in receiving more calls from sellers (than buyers) to promote their unique products to corporate. The caller includes established brands, upcoming eCommerce players, manufacturers, importers, and distributors to showcase their products as unique corporate gifts. The sellers’ objective is to create awareness through mass trials thereby generating regular demand from satisfied end users.
Our healthy distribution policy with the active support of gifting reseller partners ensured the best distributor award in the corporate gifting segment. Since corporate gifts gave us both our identity with destiny it was but natural to find a viable solution to streamline the distribution process in the highly fragmented market to help all involved namely corporate (buyers), manufacturers (producers) and gifting partners (resellers).

Happy to announce the launch of the GIFT INDEED e-Marketplace for both manufacturers and gifting resellers to simply search to shortlist unique business gifts through multiple filters like category, budget, keywords etc. Finding curated products with ease of operations through technology will tremendously support small reseller partners to expand and grow further. Our vision is to contribute in whatever small way to make the corporate gifts industry more vibrant.
You pay a very small fee on SALES to focus on your core strength of product development etc.
Please email us for the blank xlsx file to fill up and return so that your products start appearing as options.
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