Struggling to Reach Your Important Goal?

Struggling to Reach Your Important Goal?

The most common reason goals are not achieved is that urgency often overshadows what is profoundly important. This can lead to juggling too many goals or not dedicating enough time to the one that matters most. In fact, adding a second goal reduces the likelihood of success by 50%.

Take the time to identify the single most important goal for your team, then stay laser-focused on it. Keep repeating it until everyone is aligned and consider announcing an incentive to make it stick. Remember, achieving a goal takes time, and it is normal to encounter some pushback. But, over time, you will be amazed at the progress your team makes as they start breaking records. Read More

Struggling to Announce Your Incentive Program?

Struggling to Announce Your Incentive Program?

Many of my friends, relatives, and acquaintances have been amazed by the long-term success of our incentive program, which continues to deliver results, drive growth, and foster a strong sense of ownership within our team. The engagement and retention we’ve achieved are truly remarkable.

However, despite their interest, many of them struggle with launching their own programs tailored to their specific goals. This often leads to missed opportunities for employee motivation and engagement. Read More

Does Your Team Lack Creativity?

Does Your Team Lack Creativity?

Creativity is a vital component of any successful team and fostering an environment where team members feel free to express their ideas is essential.

Allowing team members, the freedom to work in their preferred style encourages exploration, innovation, and mastery over time.

It is true that feedback, whether positive or negative, plays a crucial role in shaping the team’s future behaviour.

Does Your Team Lack Creativity

Encouraging experimentation and accepting that not all attempts will succeed is essential for fostering a culture of creativity and continuous growth. Read More

Does Your Team Lack Excitement?

Does Your Team Lack Excitement?

When a team’s excitement wanes, it can manifest in several ways:

Reduced Interaction: Team members are avoiding contact, perhaps due to fear, boredom, or a lack of perceived value in the interaction.

Minimal Questions: This could signify a lack of curiosity, understanding, or a belief that their questions are unimportant or will not be valued.

Apparent Disengagement: Team members seem detached, possibly due to burnout, lack of challenge, or feeling undervalued.

Routine Activities Feel Mundane: Even simple tasks can become dull without an element of fun or challenge. Read More

Entrepreneur’s Major Challenge is Scaling Up!

Entrepreneur’s Major Challenge is Scaling Up!

Scaling a business is indeed a complex endeavour, and entrepreneurs face unique challenges during this transformative phase.

This step is crucial to pursue other activities, maximize potential, and lead a fulfilled life.

The key to overcoming this challenge lies in building a strong team, as the acronym TEAM suggests: Together Everyone Achieves More.

Entrepreneurs who master this code start growing exponentially, provided they have a business model. Venturing out is just the first step; the next is to build a team to share the journey. Read More


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