Awards, Trophies, Mementoes Within Rs.250

Crystal, acrylic, wooden and metal mementoes in various shapes and sizes to impress the recipients in the form of trophies, shields, certificate, photo frames on completion of every quarter, project, achievement of a milestones or on completion of number of years of services. Occasion can be sports activities such as cricket, football, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, marathon, jumping etc. in multiple sizes as rising star, single star, double star, thumbs up, oscar type, winner, runner and runner ups in platinum, gold, silver, metal plates, wooden plaques with mat, glossy or marble finish to distinguish the various participants at varying budgets. 


Crystal Feng Shui Ball of 30 mm & 40 mm size for Rs. 36/- & Rs.46/-. <2> Crystal Globe of 2 inches size for Rs. 200/-. <3> Crystal Pyramid of 2- & 2.5-inches size for Rs. 180/- & Rs. 220/-. Crystal pyramids Also available in 3- & 4-inches sizes and for more details please refer to respective “awards, trophies, mementoes between Rs.250/- to Rs.700“and between Rs.700/- to Rs.1,100/- blogs. <2> highlightss 2nd image and <3> means 3rd image…


Crystal Paperweight of 1.5, 2, 2.5 & 3 inches for Rs. 90, Rs.110, Rs.140 & Rs.190/- respectively. <2> Crystal Diamond of 2, 3 & 4 inches for Rs.110/-, Rs.220/- & Rs.400/-.

Crystal Paperweight

Crystal Handshake in 2, 2.5- & 3-inches size for Rs.120/-, Rs.150/- & Rs.200/-. <2> Crystal Thumbs Up in 2.5, 3 & 4 inches for Rs.120/-, Rs.150/- & Rs.200/-. <3> Crystal Cube Edge Round in 40x40x40 mm & 50x50x50 mm for Rs.120/- & Rs.200/-.

Crystal Handshake

Crystal awards in various shapes and sizes as shown below in size 5”, 5” and 4 inches respectively for Rs.250/- each.

Crystal Awards


Acrylic trophies in 6 inches size as shown below for Rs.240/-. Various other designs in 6.5, 7.5- & 8.5-inches size for Rs.190/-, Rs.220/- & Rs.250/- respectively.



Wooden Trophies with Plates trophies with silver plate in 7 inches size as shown below for Rs.230/-. <2> Trophies with gold plate in 6- & 7-inches size for Rs.190/- & Rs.240/-. <3> Trophies with silver plate in 6- & 7-inches size for Rs.190/- & Rs.240/-. <4> Trophies with gold plate in 5.5 inches size for Rs.230/-.

Silver Plate

Trophies with gold plate in 4- & 5-inches size as shown below for Rs.190/- & Rs.230/-. <2> Trophies with silver plate in 6 inches size for Rs.230/-. <3&4> Trophies with gold and silver plate in 7 inches size for Rs.230/- & Rs.240/- respectively.

Trophies with Gold Plate


CRICKET Awards: –

Cricket ignature bat in 12- & 15-inches size for Rs.110/- & Rs.150/-. <2&3> Best batsman and best bowler trophies in 7 inches for Rs.210/- and Rs.230/- respectively. <4> Cricket with stumps, bat and ball in 6 inches for Rs.230/-.


FOOTBALL Trophies: –

Football trophies as shown below in 7 inches size for Rs.230/-, Rs.220/- and Rs.210/- respectively.


SPORTS Awards: –

Volleyball, badminton, table tennis, high jump and racing trophies in 7 inches for Rs.230/-.

Sports Awards


Cups as shown below available in size 6 & 7 inches for Rs.230/- & Rs.250/-. <2> In 5.5- & 6.5-inches size for Rs.190/- & Rs.250/-. <3> In 6- & 7-inches size for Rs.190/- & Rs.250/-. Do email us or refer our next blog for higher sizes available at higher budgets.



as shown below in two designs in 7, 8 & 9 inches for Rs.170/-, Rs.210/- & Rs.250/- respectively. Third image in size 7.5 inches for Rs.240/- and refer to next blog for higher sizes of 8.5 & 9.5 inches “awards, trophies, mementoes between Rs.250/- to Rs.700/-.



Stars as shown below in 7, 8- & 9.5-inches for Rs.130/-, Rs.160 & Rs.200/-. <2> Gold in 7, 8- & 9-inches for Rs.170/-, Rs.200/- & Rs.220 and same design in <3> silver in 7 & 8 inches for Rs.200/- and Rs.220/-. <4> Two stars in 7 inches for Rs.230/- and with <5> three stars in 7 & 8.5 inches for Rs.160/- and Rs.200/-.



Wooden shield trophy in 5 inches for Rs. 210/-. <2> Glass cut trophy in 6 inches for Rs. 210/-. <3> Pyramid plaque in size 6 X 8 inches for Rs. 230/-.



Brown MDF plate size 6 x 8 inches for Rs. 240/-. <2> White photo wood plate 4 X 6 inches for Rs. 190/-. <3> Rubber wood red plate 4 X 6 inches for Rs. 200/-.


Rubber wood side curve plate 4 X 6 inches for Rs. 200/-. <2> Rubber wood plate 4 X 6 & 6 x 8 inches for Rs. 170/- & Rs.230/-. <3> Neem wood plate 4 X 6 inches for Rs. 200/-.

Rubber Wood Side Curve Plate

Steam beach wood plate 4 X 6 inches for Rs. 250/-.

Steam Beach Wood Plate

Please email us or refer to our series of blogs for higher budgets starting next with heading as “awards, trophies, mementoes between Rs.250/- to Rs.700/- “onwards. Branding and GST will be extra as applicable.

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