Challenges Facing You as the Buyer of Corporate Gifts

Challenges Facing You as the Buyer of Corporate Gifts

“Wait, wait, then quick, quick.” Corporate Gifts are urgently needed, but rarely purchased in advance of that need. Buyers simply, and correctly, calculate that the advantage of buying before the product is needed are small, while the costs are high. A rational corporate might keep t-shirts, caps, pens, keychains around for their regular need but is unlikely to keep various other business gifting items ready which are more theme and event dependent.

Most of the time products and services under corporate gifts are, almost by definition, unimportant, uninteresting, uninvolved categories so they are delayed till the last moment. However, when the occasion or event dates comes closer…. suddenly the need to solve the problem is overwhelming. Now your determination to get the problem solved right now and, more important, get it done right, so right that the colleagues or team members have no reason to complain, can lead literally, to a rapidly increased heartbeat, cold sweats, team arguments, and so on. Read More

Life Made Easy for the Reseller Partners of Corporate Gifts!

Life Made Easy for the Reseller Partners of Corporate Gifts!

Normally we faced the challenge of zeroing on the:
a) best choice of gifts,
b) within the given budget,
c) for the various target audience,
e) within the given time frame

What we desperately needed was an automated catalog of all the available gifting products with relevant details and multiple filters to narrow down to the few curated products to fast forward to decision-makers. The good part is with a lot of time, energy, money, and passion during lockdown we have completed the automated platform and are in the testing phase before launching for the corporate gifting reseller partners. Read More

Corporate Gifting Platform for Manufacturers and Resellers

Corporate Gifting Platform for Manufacturers and Resellers

Welcome to the corporate gifting platform GIFTINDEED for manufacturers and gifting resellers powered by SPARKET CORPORATE GIFTS for pleasant surprises! A major challenge for manufacturers interested in promoting their new and existing range of products through CORPORATE GIFTS RESELLER PARTNERS are

a)           Awareness
b)           Timely recall
c)           Showcasing your unique products

The solution is GIFTINDEED dedicated gifting platform for the reseller community wherein your products can be searched through multiple filters like category, budget, need, and keywords by partners before sending an initial proposal to their regular clients.
Imagine over 10000 resellers of Corporate Gifts across the Country narrowing down through filters whenever relevant and showcasing it to decision-makers who in turn are also trying to influence their own consumers, customers, employees, partners, or business associates. Read More

Promotional Merchandise for Your Iconic Brand!

Promotional Merchandise for Your Iconic Brand!

Many iconic brands have thought of creating their own promotional merchandise range to display and sell to their brand lovers. The merchandise items can be shortlisted keeping connected with the brand, target audience, and factories’ expertise in manufacturing with an excellent finish at impressive price points. Merchandise Items in leather, apparel, silicone, plastic, stones, wood, and metals can be designed to impress brand lovers.

Brands toying with the idea of creating their own promotional merchandise for their loyalist needs to be a consistent effort. We have the bandwidth, range, and expertise to help create complete merchandise solutions at a good price point with assured quality to add to the mystique of the brand. Read More

Business Opportunity as Corporate Gifts Reseller

Business Opportunity as Corporate Gifts Reseller

We are the Indian manufacturers and exporters of promotional Corporate Gifts and our assurance is “Everything From A Pin To A Plane”. Our large sourcing team’s expertise in variety, reliability, and consistency of experience makes it easy for a reseller partner to focus on booking more and more orders thereby retaining and increasing his loyal customer base.

Starting 2006 we moved from pure box selling to becoming value-added Corporate Gifts reseller and the next challenge was to scale up the business. We appointed exclusive franchisees at Delhi NCR, Mumbai and Kochi but learned that the business model needed a lot of tinkering to make it robust. In the quest, we became authorized distributors of a few large brands and through active support of corporate gifting reseller partners even became the best distributor across India. Read More

Recipients to Select Their Choice of Corporate Gifts

Recipients to Select Their Choice of Corporate Gifts

Gifting vouchers is outdated as our platform allows each recipient to select their choice of corporate gift.

In the Past Vouchers were Considered as Corporate Gifts by few Companies due to the Following Challenges: – 

  1. To differentiate with cash, they gave vouchers. 
  2. Selecting a gift liked by all is difficult so give vouchers. 
  3. The HR department is already overloaded so the possible way out was vouchers.

But Strong Brands Always Insisted on Giving Gifts and Never Considered Vouchers! Read More

Recognize and Reward Right Behaviour

Recognize and Reward Right Behaviour

Always remember not to refuse a wing to the person who gave you the whole chicken. Please remember the bottom line that everybody works smarter when there is something in it for them.

If you are not getting the results you want, ask What behavior do I want? How will I recognize it? How will I reward it? Make people feel like winners as brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated so let us do our job of identifying a long-term reward and recognition strategy to keep everyone excited. Read More

Reward is One of the Greatest Management Principles

Reward is One of the Greatest Management Principles

Create a reward and recognition system through which your consumers, customers, partners, and employees get what they want, you get what you want, and the right things get done. Producing good results helps people feel better about themselves and is the key to happiness and doing things we do well. So, get the right results, give the right rewards and the attitudes will take care of itself.

If you are not getting the results you want, ask What behaviour do I want? How will I recognize it? How will I reward it? Make people feel like winners as brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated. Also, important here to highlight that no matter what the reward system is, a small percentage of people will perform brilliantly or poorly due to factors such as personal ability, needs, values etc., factors over which one has no control. Read More

Celebrating 35 Years of Entrepreneurship

Celebrating 35 Years of Entrepreneurship

It was mid of 1986 when Mr. Anil Ambo, sales manager of Eureka Forbes, my immediate boss and mentor decided to leave the company. Till then I was very comfortable and experiencing fast track growth with the organization but was disturbed with sudden changes so decided to join him after my impending wedding in July.

My better half discussed my future goals which from beginning was to start my own business and which became more promising because of sudden developments which were unnerving. She nailed it beautifully that if the end goal is to start your own business then why not start now? My message is that if you want to start your own business then why to delay as earlier is always better.

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Corporate Gifts Distribution Platform

Corporate Gifts Distribution Platform

There comes a time in the life of every product/brand where further increasing sales and thereby market share become difficult. Time to think outside the box and consider viability of totally new vertical called distribution through reseller partners of Corporate Gifts. We would like here to differentiate between the institutional sales as ongoing in nature whereas the corporate gifts are mostly one-time promotions though repeated across different products/markets.

If you have an attractive range of utility products required by the masses then apart from regular retail, wholesale, large format, online and institutional sales you can consider adding corporate gifts channel too to ensure new trials to increase both your sales and market share. Read More


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