The pharma sector through their medical representatives conveys both the benefits of their new discoveries and the latest improvements over existing drugs. For example, a new drug which worked very fast in the blood was needed to be communicated to the concerned doctors. The product team decided to use the fast bowling concept to convey the message to the doctors. Accordingly, a tabletop pen stand was conceptualised with mini cricket ball with a hole for the pen. The drug name was printed on the tabletop gift to help the doctors refer to the given name of the drug. After few weeks the doctors memorised the name of the new drug without looking at the tabletop pen stand fulfilling the desired purpose. Read More

The world is becoming a global village is the most common statement we keep hearing in our daily life to highlight the importance of the movement of goods and services across the globe. It started with online knowledge services, outsourcing of services offline of all non-core activities, and finally even physical goods. China became the manufacturing hub for hard currencies and helped even other cheap labour Countries to have a role in manufactured goods. Disruptive technologies gave rise to new business models and helped forward-looking companies to create the global procurement division. Here again the initial focus was on raw materials and slowly and steadily now it has come down to even promotional corporate gifts to standardise the products across the organization.

Most of the MNCs have created the global procurement division and the role is very clear to find out the best rates at each operational location and to streamline the processes so as to source the various goods from the various geographies in the most economical manner. We have been working with various procurement divisions of MNCs and are in a strong position to help them buy promotional merchandise at the most economical rates. Corporate gifts vary in nature because of the quality, quantity, logo branding, and packaging which makes it difficult for the procurement division to source directly from the factories as repeat orders are very rare.
In the initial phase, we were helping the global procurement division to check the Indian rates and decide on the various buying indents they use to receive from various countries to place the order on the lowest CIF quote for the approved quality.
We have an existing relationships with many corporate gift vendors from hard currencies who are buying goods from us to deliver within their respective countries or even in India or nearby countries due to overall cost-effectiveness. “[ninja_forms id=1]”

Sparket was started on October 29, 1986 to focus on marketing and distribution of products and services. We learned that the role of the middleman with the large team is rewarded only if they are continuously adding values through meaningful differentiation. So, around 2005 we entered corporate gifts adding new customers, segments, industries, geographies, manufacturers, and products with USP of VARIETY, RELIABILITY, and CONSISTENCY of the whole experience.
As each requirement is different and factories has different business models our role became more of perfect match making so that each requirement is best served on price, quality, and delivery parameters. Thereby we are helping supply chain management or procurement department pass on the one-time odd requirement to us. Read More

“Wait, wait, then quick, quick.” Corporate Gifts are urgently needed, but rarely purchased in advance of that need. Buyers simply, and correctly, calculate that the advantage of buying before the product is needed are small, while the costs are high. A rational corporate might keep t-shirts, caps, pens, keychains around for their regular need but is unlikely to keep various other business gifting items ready which are more theme and event dependent.
Most of the time products and services under corporate gifts are, almost by definition, unimportant, uninteresting, uninvolved categories so they are delayed till the last moment. However, when the occasion or event dates comes closer…. suddenly the need to solve the problem is overwhelming. Now your determination to get the problem solved right now and, more important, get it done right, so right that the colleagues or team members have no reason to complain, can lead literally, to a rapidly increased heartbeat, cold sweats, team arguments, and so on. Read More

Normally we faced the challenge of zeroing on the:
a) best choice of gifts,
b) within the given budget,
c) for the various target audience,
e) within the given time frame
What we desperately needed was an automated catalog of all the available gifting products with relevant details and multiple filters to narrow down to the few curated products to fast forward to decision-makers. The good part is with a lot of time, energy, money, and passion during lockdown we have completed the automated platform and are in the testing phase before launching for the corporate gifting reseller partners. Read More

Welcome to the corporate gifting platform GIFTINDEED for manufacturers and gifting resellers powered by SPARKET CORPORATE GIFTS for pleasant surprises! A major challenge for manufacturers interested in promoting their new and existing range of products through CORPORATE GIFTS RESELLER PARTNERS are
a) Awareness
b) Timely recall
c) Showcasing your unique products
The solution is GIFTINDEED dedicated gifting platform for the reseller community wherein your products can be searched through multiple filters like category, budget, need, and keywords by partners before sending an initial proposal to their regular clients.
Imagine over 10000 resellers of Corporate Gifts across the Country narrowing down through filters whenever relevant and showcasing it to decision-makers who in turn are also trying to influence their own consumers, customers, employees, partners, or business associates. Read More

Many iconic brands have thought of creating their own promotional merchandise range to display and sell to their brand lovers. The merchandise items can be shortlisted keeping connected with the brand, target audience, and factories’ expertise in manufacturing with an excellent finish at impressive price points. Merchandise Items in leather, apparel, silicone, plastic, stones, wood, and metals can be designed to impress brand lovers.
Brands toying with the idea of creating their own promotional merchandise for their loyalist needs to be a consistent effort. We have the bandwidth, range, and expertise to help create complete merchandise solutions at a good price point with assured quality to add to the mystique of the brand. Read More

We are the Indian manufacturers and exporters of promotional Corporate Gifts and our assurance is “Everything From A Pin To A Plane”. Our large sourcing team’s expertise in variety, reliability, and consistency of experience makes it easy for a reseller partner to focus on booking more and more orders thereby retaining and increasing his loyal customer base.
Starting 2006 we moved from pure box selling to becoming value-added Corporate Gifts reseller and the next challenge was to scale up the business. We appointed exclusive franchisees at Delhi NCR, Mumbai and Kochi but learned that the business model needed a lot of tinkering to make it robust. In the quest, we became authorized distributors of a few large brands and through active support of corporate gifting reseller partners even became the best distributor across India. Read More

Gifting vouchers is outdated as our platform allows each recipient to select their choice of corporate gift.
In the Past Vouchers were Considered as Corporate Gifts by few Companies due to the Following Challenges: –
- To differentiate with cash, they gave vouchers.
- Selecting a gift liked by all is difficult so give vouchers.
- The HR department is already overloaded so the possible way out was vouchers.
But Strong Brands Always Insisted on Giving Gifts and Never Considered Vouchers! Read More

Always remember not to refuse a wing to the person who gave you the whole chicken. Please remember the bottom line that everybody works smarter when there is something in it for them.
If you are not getting the results you want, ask What behavior do I want? How will I recognize it? How will I reward it? Make people feel like winners as brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated so let us do our job of identifying a long-term reward and recognition strategy to keep everyone excited. Read More